Tomorrow one of the homes I’ve listed-as a short-sale-

(Short-sale definition- a property that is being sold for less than is owed, but takes a very long time to accomplish and when all is said and done you don’t get paid much, you have a few more gray hairs, and you are glad you never have to talk to that Bank ever again about this property)

Is going to Trustee Sale

(Definition of Trustee Sale-The banks way of foreclosing on your property and taking into their possession along with all the other homes they have repossessed because they lack the ability to know that the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing-Sounds like government these days),

in the morning at 11am, on the court house steps.

The family that owns it is praying for a miracle that they won’t lose the home they built in 2002 in this manner. I am praying too! So many are!

This describes the epitome of defeat. It is a lose-lose situation all the way around and it breaks my heart.

We have an offer-we got it to the bank by Friday like the bank said to do and then today they said,

“Oh, it takes 48 hrs to process; there’s not enough time.”

And they said, “It’s a Fanny Mae Loan-you know the big government loan entity that is going bust-they need 24 hrs to turn around on it, there’s not enough time,

and they said, “Have the owner call this number and tell them they have an offer and see if they can’t postpone the Trustee sale. (We called them many times and got nowhere.)

The office handling the Foreclosure said they could not act out of the jurisdiction of the Bank!! Then why did the Bank say to call in the first place???

Okay-now let’s get down to what is really going on. Sometimes, and I know this is hard to hear-God says no. I know-but it’s true. He is in control. I trust Him!! He can move mountains!! God is allowing this in their lives-this non-elective, non-chosen change to happen to them. They did not choose this-they lost their ability to earn-lost jobs!

They are somewhat broken through all of this-We all would be too.

But God is still right there lovingly saying,

Matt. 11:28-30
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

He means it-We don’t earn it or deserve it-we are not required to do a thing but Hold out our arms and like my grand-daughter Georgia would say, “Uppies please.”

How many times have I forfeited this peace and comfort?
Help me Lord!! Uppies please!