Where I grew up, Newhall, Calif., we had lots of onion fields in the day and in the fall when the onions were harvested, the air smelled just like BBQ potato chips. That potent smell of onions evokes powerful memories in me, as well as a hankering for BBQ potato chips.
Today, the onions were especially potent and I couldn’t help but think back to Newhall, California, in the 60’s and 70’s when we were less than forty thousand people, single lane roads, one high school: go Hart, the Plaza and Mustang Theaters, Via Andorra, or “Broadway”, as the passel of girls who lived on it liked to call it, and just so many other wonderful things. I loved that time and place.
I had the most fun, got in the most trouble, kissed my first boy at the Plaza, had the bestest friends, and at the age of sixteen, when I was on the cusp of some big trouble, Jesus saved me. Plucked me right up, like one of those onions, and pealed away of load of hurt and healed a very broken heart.
I wrote a bit about that in the new book called, Passageways where I contributed two of the 16 stories, all worth reading!
I didn’t mean to segue into this book, but Tangled, one of the short stories I wrote, tells the rest of the story.
Anyway, I fell in love a few times, had my first accident on Newhall Road, watched the July 4th parade every year from Old Orchard Park, experienced two earthquakes, graduated from Placerita, Hart, COC, and then CSUN, met and still have some of the bestest friends ever, and married my wonderful husband at Grace Baptist Church. Helped plant a church with some exceptional people. Had babies and grand babies there too. My life was so blessed.
I lived in Newhall on Walnut, Valencia on Via Andorra, Saugus and then back to Valencia again. And now, somehow, I live in Boise… no, I moved, what I mean is, I now live in Meridian, Idaho. This place is very similar to the SCV…but not.
Lots of memories there in that lovely little valley, too numerous to mention, some good, some bad, but all necessary. Have I said it was a wonderful place to grow up.
I’ve lived here in The Treasure Valley for ten years now. I’ve made some amazing friends, I love my job and Bill and I love having all our grand babies so close.. We love our church…we have a wonderful pastor and wife. We get snow, but not too much. I do love snow. This is now my home.
But I will never forget Newhall, Valencia, or Saugus. My parents, brother and family, sister and family, my dear son and such wonderful friends still all live there, so a huge part of my heart is there, and when I smell the onions, I think of all of it, and I am thankful for it all. I’m reminded that God causes all things to work together for good, for those who love God and are called…And I do love onions! Is it weird to love the smell of onions and the smell of roses…just not at the same time, of course. What smell or aroma evokes memories in you?
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