by Val | Jan 21, 2016 | Uncategorized
My mom on her wedding day 1951 God heals. I experienced it first hand so I really believe it. My friend Belinda prayed for my injured back to be healed and it was whole within minutes. Verified by x-rays! The doc brought me out to the waiting room of people and...
by Val | Sep 25, 2015 | Uncategorized
This vision, as in a picture, was given to me when Kate miscarried a couple of weeks ago. It was very real and comforted my heart, but the picture also spoke to me about us, as adults, when we die, what it might look like to be face to face with our Heavenly Father....
by Val | Oct 1, 2014 | Uncategorized
I teach a women’s bible study and I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love those women in that study. They asked to study prayer this year and so I’ve been studying about prayer so I can teach them. There is a sense of inadequacy in approaching this subject,...
by Val | Sep 24, 2014 | Uncategorized
Where I grew up, Newhall, Calif., we had lots of onion fields in the day and in the fall when the onions were harvested, the air smelled just like BBQ potato chips. That potent smell of onions evokes powerful memories in me, as well as a hankering for BBQ potato...
by Val | Sep 7, 2014 | Uncategorized
My grand-daughter Georgia announced she was rich. She had two dollars and fifty-five cents. “Grammy GiGi, what can I buy?” I thought for a moment and realized I didn’t know, but I told her nevertheless, “Many things!” As my mind will often do, at least for now, :-), I...
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