Where did this year go? It has been the fastest year of my life.I accomplished quite a bit, but I could have done more. Isn’t that the way it always is. I let my blog go because I started writing bible studies for my women’s group-Teachings From the Gospels-I’ve really learned so much and hope the women have too, but why did I have to give up my blog? I also am still writing my book. I have less than 20,000 words to go. Why does that feel like so much?Oh well, I’ll keep plugging away at it.  The point is, everything takes so much time. I’m a full-time-more like time-and-a-half-Realtor. I enjoy my work and am grateful I get to do something I love and am good at. I meet great people-I’m constantly learning something new everyday-but I spend a lot of time working. I’ve been reading Psalm 127 this past few weeks and God is speaking to my heart about “time management.” Not in the way we normally mean, but about rest and sleep. I need more, but I hate giving up precious “night-time” hours to sleep. Well, I have no choice. The scripture says that “He gives to his children in their sleep.” I’m going to take Him at his Word. He can give me peace-Give me sleep, and I will trust Him to help me accomplish what I need to do during the daylight hours. Anyway, just some random thoughts about how this year is flying by, what I’ve done with it, and how I’m going to get more rest!!  And, write more! Cheers!